LG. Prolog version by Michael Moortgat
This is an implementation of the cut-free combinator presentation discussed in class. The main predicates traverse the
complete search space. The found proofs are then filtered, so that for each available axiom linking only the optimal (shortest)
derivation is returned. The CPS interpretation is computed directly from the combinator terms, following Chapter 2 of the
course materials. I am running this using SICStus 4. You can also try SWI Prolog, but even with maximal settings for local and global stack
swipl seems to run into problems.
Code: (update, with support for island constraints)
jLG. Java version by Gianluca Giorgolo
This version has a pleasant GUI which allows you to enter formulas rather easily. It implements both the top-down
combinator method of the above implementation, and the bottom-up expand-reduce method from Matteo
Capelletti's dissertation. See Matteo's course page for the thesis, and some more code that came out of this class.
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